
Revo Uninstaller PRO

Revo Uninstaller Pro 5 is a powerful uninstaller utility for Windows systems. It comes with advanced software/extensions management functions and cleanup features.
Revo Uninstaller PRO Interface

The software


Revo Uninstaller PRO Overview

Details By Vendor
Product Name: Revo Uninstaller PRO
Official Website:
Supported Systems: Windows 11, 10, 8.1/8, 7, Vista

Revo Uninstaller Pro helps you to thoroughly uninstall installed software, Windows Apps, and Browser extensions from your PC. It mainly includes two sections as “Uninstall”, and “Tools”. The main interface has a tab-based view and provides easy access to all the tools.

The advanced scanning and uninstalling algorithms of Revo Uninstaller Pro tuned for more than 16 years! This utility stands out as one of the top choices for comprehensive software removal.

Getting started with Revo Uninstaller PRO

Uninstall Module & Functions

The Uninstall section of the software has six functions for managing applications on Windows. Each of them employs advanced algorithms to scan and remove all traces of the application being uninstalled.

  • All Programs: here you’ll see all installed applications on the computer. It provides detailed information about each application such as size, version, website, path, etc. You can select one or multiple Apps and click on “uninstall” to remove them.
  • Traced Programs: An installation monitor function tracks all changes made by an application during its installation process. This can help for thorough uninstallation in the future.
  • Windows Apps: Some of the apps produced by Microsoft come pre-installed with the operating system. Here, you can see all of them and remove the unwanted ones.
  • Browser Extensions: this module lists all the extensions/add-ons currently on your Web browsers. This allows managing all of them in one place.
  • Hunter Mode: By activating Hunter Mode, you can drag and drop the unwanted App (shortcut) onto the targeting icon to remove them.

Forced Uninstall: Some Apps on Windows cannot uninstall through conventional methods. With this powerful uninstall function you can easily remove such stubborn programs.

Logs Database

This uninstaller tool maintains a database of logs by their team for various Windows software. These logs function just like user-generated trace logs using the Real-time Monitor feature.

If you don’t have a trace log for a specific program you want to uninstall, you can potentially use one from this database for a more complete removal.

Other Tools

To maximize the PC performance, uninstallation might not be enough most of the time and some optimization functions are also required. This is why the Revo Uninstaller PRO comes with some Junk Files Cleaner and History Cleaner modules.

Additionally, its Autorun Manager helps control the startup programs and enhance the boot times. You can also securely delete files/folders and make them unrecoverable using the Evidence Remover function.

Key Features

  • Helps remove Apps thoroughly, including leftovers
  • Quick or Multiple removal support
  • Forced Uninstall function to remove stubborn programs that resist standard uninstall
  • Real-Time installation monitor and Logs database feature
  • Autorun manager to control programs that automatically start at Windows startup
  • Junk files cleaner and history cleaner to remove unwanted files on Windows
  • Data Eraser Module to permanently erase files/folder
  • Creates backups of your registry before making changes during uninstall

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Steps to

Get PRO FREE (Giveaway)

Giveaway License Coverage

License TypeLifetime License
Supported OSWindows 10, 8/8.1, 7, Vista

Giveaway License Key & FREE Activation Steps

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Click on Help > Registation, Enter a username & received key & click on Activate online.
You can use any name as the username.

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giveaway vs paid

PRO License FAQs

What is Revo Uninstaller Pro Giveaway License?

You can activate Revo Uninstaller Pro version legally in two ways. The first method is using a paid license code. Or you can try a giveaway license code to activate the Pro features. There are some limitations/restrictions when you activate the full version using a giveaway license.

Revo Uninstaller ProLicense Comparison
Use PRO FeaturesUse Pro version features without any restrictions/limitations
Free UpdatesNew software updates will be received in the future
Free Technical SupportFree technical support will be available from
Reactivate AnytimeIf you format your PC, reactivate without any issue

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Editor's Giveaway Score

8.5Expert Score

After comparing Revo Uninstaller PRO giveaway license vs paid version, our scores for this giveaway.

Activation Possibility
  • Enjoy PRO benefits free without limitations
  • Cannot activate after ends the giveaway
  • Only work for new users

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