FastMove by Webminds

FastMove is a user-friendly PC data migration software designed to securely transfer data, settings, and applications between Windows PCs.

The software


FastMove Overview

Details By Vendor
  • Product Name: FastMove
  • Official Website:
  • Supported Systems: Windows 11, 10

FastMove helps you to do the process of transferring data between Windows computers. It streamlines system upgrades and PC replacements by effortlessly transferring user profiles, files, folders, installed applications, and system settings from one device to another.

FastMove offers four data transfer methods.

3-Step Data Transfer Process

You can transfer data in three steps with this tool.

  1. Network Connection: Ensure both computers are connected to the same network to facilitate data transfer.
  2. Transfer Selection: Choose the specific data, applications, or settings you wish to migrate from the source computer.
  3. Automated Transfer: Initiate the transfer process, allowing FastMove to handle the migration seamlessly, without requiring manual intervention.

Whether you’re upgrading to a new PC, migrating to a different operating system version, or simply need to sync files between devices, FastMove simplifies the process.

FastMove Quick Video Intro

Data Migration Functions & Supported Data Types

Direct Data Transfer:
FastMove facilitates direct data transfer between computers on the same network, ensuring a speedy and efficient migration process.
Software Migration:
The tool allows for seamless transfer of installed software, including their settings and configurations, to a new computer, saving time and effort.
User Profile Migration:
It enables the migration of user profiles, including account settings, desktop layouts, and personalized preferences, to a new system.
Device Driver Migration:
The tool can transfer device drivers to a new computer, ensuring compatibility and proper functioning of hardware components.
File and Folder Synchronization:
FastMove offers a synchronization feature to keep files and folders consistent across multiple devices, preventing data loss and ensuring accessibility.

Key Features

  • Fast and efficient data migration setup process for minimal downtime
  • Easily move files, folders, and user profiles between Windows computers
  • Transfer installed software to a new PC without the need for manual reinstallation
  • Transfer data over a network or using external storage devices
  • Intuitive interface for easy navigation and control

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Purchase a genuine FastMove product key via our exclusive deal from the official order page. Get free new version software updates and free WebMinds tech support.

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FastMove License 1 PC / 1 Year Updates

✔ Latest Version
✔ Free Software Updates
✔ Free technical support by the
✔ Covered by 30-Day Money Back-guarantee
When you click on the BUY NOW button, the price-reduction code will be activated automatically at the checkout page.

Steps to

Get Full FREE (Giveaway)

Giveaway License Coverage

License Type3 Month License
Supported OSWindows 11, 10

Giveaway License & FREE Activation Steps

You may view the slider images for additional help.
Visit the giveaway page & get a free license code
Download the official installer from FastMove website
Install the setup & FastMove Application

Click on “question mark” icon from the menu and activate the full version using the obtained license details.

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giveaway vs paid

Full License FAQs

What is FastMove Giveaway License?

FastMove giveaway license allows you to activate the full software features at no cost but in a legal way. A paid product key can also be used to activate the full version. Remind that, when you activate the full features using the giveaway license, there may be limitations/restrictions on updates and CS support.

FastMoveLicense Comparison
Use Full FeaturesUse full version features without any limitations/restrictions
Free UpdatesFastMoveprogram will receive new version updates
Free Technical SupportWebminds will offer free tech support if needed
Reactivate AnytimeIf you format your PC, reactivate without any issue

This is the

Editor's Giveaway Score

7Expert Score

After comparing FastMove giveaway license vs paid version, our scores for this giveaway.

Activation Possibility
  • Use full functions free with no limits
  • Cannot activate after ends the giveaway
  • No new updates for the program
  • No after free support by Webminds

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