
Wise Registry Cleaner PRO

Wise Registry Cleaner PRO is a registry cleaner and PC optimization software. It’s designed for cleaning and defragging Windows registry, and system tune-up.
Wise Registry Cleaner PRO - Interface

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Wise Registry Cleaner PRO Overview

Details By Vendor
Product Name: Wise Registry Cleaner PRO
Official Website:
Supported Systems: Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP

Wise Registry Cleaner PRO helps you fix Windows registry-related problems in the easiest way possible. The program mainly includes three modules for registry cleaning, registry defrag, and system tune up.

Wise Registry Cleaner features an intuitive user-friendly interface and all users with admin privileges can use the program.

Registry Cleaner Functions

Wise Registry Cleaner PRO thoroughly scans the Windows Registry to identify obsolete, invalid, or corrupt entries left behind by uninstalled programs or system changes. Then provide options to remove/repair the problems with one click (or selectively).

How can the Windows registry issues lead to slowing down the PC?

The Windows Registry is a crucial component of the system that stores configuration settings and options for the Windows operating system. Over time, as you use the PC, the Registry can become cluttered with obsolete, unused, or invalid entries. This accumulation of entries can slow down the system’s performance, cause errors, and even lead to system instability.

Registry Defrag Functions

This module enables users defrag the Windows Registry by rearranging its data to reduce fragmentation and improve access times.

Safe Cleaning with Automatic Registry Backup

Because of any modifications to critical system components like the Registry, Wise Registry Cleaner provides an option to create a backup of the current Registry state. These backups ensures that you can restore the Registry to its previous state if any issues arise after the cleaning process.

Auto Clean & Scheduling Function

This registry cleaning tool offers a scheduler feature that allows you to set up automatic scans and cleanups at specified intervals.

This feature ensures that your system’s Registry is regularly maintained without manual intervention.

System Tuneup Functions

Wise Registry Cleaner PRO also includes various optimization features to fine-tune Windows settings.

It enables you to disable unnecessary startup programs or services, optimize the network speed, accelerate the system boot/shutdown, and many more.

Key Features

  • Fixe Windows registry errors, cleaning all the junk
  • Two scan modes as (1) Fast Scan, and (2) Deep Scan.
  • Options to schedule an automatic cleaning
  • Defrag Windows registry
  • Speed up system startup and shutdown time
  • Optimize the network settings, speeding up the internet speed
  • Extends the lifespan of SSDs

Getting started with Wise Registry Cleaner PRO

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Wise Registry Cleaner Professional License 1 year / 1 PC

✔ Latest Version
✔ Free Updates for 1 Year
✔ Premium Technical Support by
✔ Covered by WiseCleaner Money Back-guarantee
This order is processed by 2Checkout. For inquiries regarding your order, delivery, cancellations, or refunds, please contact 2Checkout support.

Steps to

Get PRO FREE (Giveaway)

Giveaway License Coverage

License TypeLifetime License
Supported OSWindows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP

Giveaway Lifetime License & FREE Activation Steps

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This is a special giveaway Installer for Softopaz users. During the installation, the key will be applied automatically and the PRO version will be activated.
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PRO License FAQs

What is Wise Registry Cleaner PRO Giveaway License? offers a special giveaway installer for Wise Registry Cleaner that activates the PRO version automatically once you complete the installation. However, there are some limitations/restrictions when using the PRO using a giveaway installer.

Wise Registry Cleaner PROLicense Comparison
Use Pro FeaturesUse Pro version features
Free UpdatesUp-to-date with automatic program updates in the future
Free Technical SupportGet priority tech support from if needed
Reactivate AnytimeIf you format your PC, hassle free reactivation without any issue.
No ADsIn-app advertising for other Wisecleaner products

This is the

Editor's Giveaway Score

7.7Expert Score

After comparing Wise Registry Cleaner PRO giveaway license vs paid version, our scores for this giveaway.

Activation Possibility
  • Use PRO features free without limitations
  • Cannot activate after ends the giveaway
  • No Free support by Wisecleaner
  • Can't update, if you update Pro version may become free version
  • Only work for new users

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